Saturday, May 15, 2010

What is in a name?

Timeless Optimism..... at least that is the goal. It is rare that optimism is present these days much less the timeless kind but we all have to have a goal. I know one thing is for sure, I use to be much more optimistic. Optimistic about life, love, and just me in general. I think what has happened is that I have begun to just accept how things are now instead of reaching for something better. I have decided that how things are now is the best that I deserve and I should just live with it. Well, I am starting not to think that any longer. I have friends and loved ones that have more confidence in me than I do in myself and it is time that I prove to myself that they are right! Now, as I tell myself every day at work, the only thing you can control is yourself and how you allow others to make you feel. So, the first goal is..... to set goals. After all, if you dont know where you want to go, how will you ever get there. So for a quick brainstorm....

Goal #1: Save money - I cannt tell you how sick and tierd I am of always being broke. I mean, I have a good job for now and I am makeing good money. I should be able to save some. Yes, at times it feels like I have a hole at the bottom just draining everything away but I have to be able to contol or fix that. Its my money. I'm the boss if it!

Goal #2: Get healthier - I have done very poorly at this ever since I got our to highschool I am sad to say. And resently I have done even worse cause I know there are medicines I need to be taking and I have not found a new doctor since I moved to get them perscribed to me. Not only that but I sit on my butt all day at work and what do I do when I come home? Sit/lay and watch TV or read a book. How sad is that. I use to have good muscle definition in my leggs and arms and now that is gone. I have access to workout equipement free of charge, I'm just to lazy to do anything about it. Well, no more. I have to get into a routine of being more active, eating right, and taking care of my body. It's the only one I've got.

Well those were pretty much no brainers. Now what?

Goal 3#: ......

I think that is another goal for another time. The first two are the biggest and most basic. I have ideas about the others but dont know if I could put those into words just yet. Thinking about it even makes me sad.

So, as for the first goal...
Well I have always had ideas about working with a budget but they just never seemed to come through so I have started with a fee online budget thingie, , so lets see how that goes.

As for the second goal... well lets just say that I am here sitting on by butt on the computer after sleeping in late and reading most of the day. As a valid excuse, I dont have the door access code yet for the workout facility, as a poor excuse, its too hot outside to go walking around right now.
Again, lets see how that goes....

Till next time............